While any bike can be rigged to carry cargo, it doesn’t mean that the bike is designed to do so, or that the bike will handle well. A cargo bike should be able to carry the rider and at least 60kg of cargo.
Cargo bikes can broadly be classified as a longtail, a midtail, a box bike, a pedicab or mini cargo bike.
It’s basically a regular bicycle with an extended “tail,” 30 – 40cm long. The extension supports a longer rack. Longtails are great for navigating through narrow spaces.
It’s basically a regular bicycle extended by 10 -20cm.
This classic cargo bike has a large box installed on the front. The box is set low to ground for steadier riding. The box bike may have two wheels or three wheels (a trike) and can come in short or long forms. The trike is often pricier than it’s two-wheeled cousin, but has a greater load capacity.
We don’t mean the rickshaw-style trike found in London’s West End. Instead this is another style of a three- or four-wheeled cargo bike which come in assorted styles including a flatbed.
A Pedelec (pedal electric cycle) is a bike that has been fitted with an electric motor which only supplies power while you’re pedalling. The power cuts out when you stop cycling or freewheel, or when you read a maximum speed of 25kmph (15.5mph). Yes, they are more expensive but electric-assist can be invaluable if you plan to transport heavy loads and travel long distances or uphill.